As If Magazine Part 02.

As If Magazine 02

AS IF Magazine is a luxury publication founded and created by Tatijana Shoan and Scott Fishkind in New York. For every issue, they invite designers from around the world to contribute to the magazine. For Issue No. 8, we were tasked with creating the entire introduction, which encompasses the table of contents, three articles, and a fashion editorial featuring model Eva Doll.

Client : As If Magazine
Design : In the Pool Studio


As If Magazine Part 01.


As If Magazine 01

AS IF Magazine is a luxury publication founded and created by Tatijana Shoan and Scott Fishkind in New York. For every issue, they invite designers from around the world to contribute to the magazine. For Issue No. 8, we were tasked with creating the entire introduction, which encompasses the table of contents, three articles, and a fashion editorial featuring model Eva Doll.

Client : As If Magazine
Design : In the Pool Studio


In the Pool — Self Branding

In the Pool

For the launch of our studio, we decided to create our own promotion and send out 350 envelopes worldwide.
“In the Pool,” this photo speaks for itself. We braved the cold, but the result was worth it!

AD & Design : In the Pool Studio

DJ Set — Packaging


DJ Set

DJ Set is the coolest of boxes. One box: one DJ. Through a fanzine and a whole bunch of exclusive goodies tied to the character’s universe, we immerse ourselves in their vibe, their world, their city, and their music.

Here we find the packaging and all the goodies from artists: Blurp from Chicago, Ishiato from Tokyo, and DJ Golden Mecca from Cape Town.

Design : In the Pool Studio

DJ Set — Fanzines

DJ Set

DJ Set is the coolest of boxes.
One box: one DJ. Through a fanzine and a whole bunch of exclusive goodies tied to the character’s universe, we immerse ourselves in their vibe, their world, their city, and their music.

Here we find fanzines from artists: Blurp from Detroit, Ishiato from Tokyo, and DJ Golden Mecca from Johannesburg.

Design : In the Pool Studio
Client : Self-initiated project

Messika — Editorial Design


Art direction and layout design of a booklet for the well-known Parisian high jewelry brand Messika. This little collection has been created to trace the history and iconic pieces of the brand, blending audacity and refinement.

Client : Messika
Design : In the Pool Studio


WTF Magazine — Editorial Design

WTF Magazine

WTF Magazine is a zany publication that brings together the phenomena and trends that have made their mark on the history of the internet, including, of course, the birth of the famous ‘meme’.

AD & Design : In the Pool Studio